We humans are first to share our greatest achievements and “ups” in life but rarely do we like to admit failures, especially when it’s related to our most cherished values and strivings. Well, I’m human and I fail. More often lately than ever before. My most recent failure is the Madrid marathon 2017 which I was looking forward to…

After breaking a bone during my first 1⁄2 marathon in Lausanne in 2015 I had to take a long break from training runs. Fractures take patience. Despite my best efforts and a reworked training plan I experienced an injury about 4 weeks before the marathon date, right after finishing a nice 19Km run along the lake. I hoped for recovery but refrained from making the injury worse. Well, it didn’t heal completely so I took a decision to withdraw from participation. That didn’t preclude me and my DW from seeing Madrid…
I wouldn’t otherwise have went to see Madrid. Madrid is landlocked and it’s hot. I have flown through the airport a couple of times. But as it turns out, Madrid is not the worst place to visit. I enjoyed walking streets of Madrid. Going to places because of sportive competitions is a great way to stroll through locations you would never see. In a way it is similar to cycling. In a cycling tour you visit all the small towns along the route that don’t warrant a car detour.
Toledo, which is not far from Madrid, is worth a visit if you’re into old towns and tourist traps. Not only I enjoyed the town scenery from afar but also a fantastic vista that opens up to colorful flatlands.
In light of the injury I signed-up for another competition. This time I’m taking part in a 70.3 IronMan relay race. I will cycle for 90 km and two of my friends will correspondingly swim and run. I began with bike training about 2 months ago so that’ll come handy. I won’t resume running until I’m through with the race. I have a couple of ideas of how to train further. Fingers crossed that body holds up!