Yesterday I’ve attended a developer’s conference in Zurich. It’s called Voxxed Days Zurich and it’s held at an alluringly convenient venue - the SihlCity cinema. This year I’ve attended Voxxed Days for the first time.
[Read More]Yesterday I’ve attended a developer’s conference in Zurich. It’s called Voxxed Days Zurich and it’s held at an alluringly convenient venue - the SihlCity cinema. This year I’ve attended Voxxed Days for the first time.
[Read More]I’ve been running virtualized desktop environments for a couple of years now, doing various tasks from within Virtualbox VMs. I like the fact the tools and libraries for the job at hand are isolated from other environments. But I have been missing on the dynamic aspect, somehow ending up with VMs which are as prone to maintenance as physical installations. Recently, I’ve decided to solve this issue once and for all with the help from Arch Linux, Vagrant and Packer.
[Read More]2017 has been a wonderful year for cycling: regular club rides, a bike tour along Rhone river and to Cannes (to be shared later), riding in Gran Canaria and many worthwhile local rides in Switzerland.
The fall has been a scenic gift. No other season is as attractive as the fall in Switzerland. It’s full of colors and the dry weather is pleasant for riding.
[Read More]I’m steadily increasing my coverage of Swiss landscapes by cycling through its most distinct features and national cycling routes. Last week I took Friday off and went on a 2-day adventure up a few iconic mountain passes.
[Read More]I’m going to break another blogging taboo. Namely, I admit the prolonged silence. Somehow, talking about the blogging platform hasn’t killed this blog so, who knows, maybe this won’t either. I’ve been busy changing from one awesome job to another, which I’ll talk about in a separate post. From now on, though, I’ll keep posting once a week, rotating a few persistent themes: technology (software engineering and machine learning), sports (cycling, running, training), travel and personal reflections. To keep up I’ll give myself roughly 1 hour per week to get the post published. We’ll see how that goes…
[Read More]I said I’ll ride somewhere exotic so I did. I’ve spent the last week with my DW on the Gran Canaria island. It was another attempt at a sport holiday (the last one failed spectacularly). Gran Canaria enjoys a pleasant climate that’s conducive to both, doing sports and relaxing at the hotel almost the whole year round. So it’s not a surprise both of us had a great time.
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